
“Everyone has their obsessions, consuming thoughts consuming time. They hold high their high possessions, that define the meaning of their lives. You are mine.”

‘You Are Mine’- Mutemath

30 Rock

Hello, my name is Ginna Bach and I am addicted to 30 Rock. Every episode of this show is full of jokes, some blatent and in your face, some clever, and even still some smug, candid, or subtle. Like myself,  Liz Lemon is awkward as can be- and this is what makes her such a great character. She is the perfect blend of awkward, nerdy, and weirdly confident. She is definitely my girl crush. 30 Rock never ceases to make me giggle, even when I am in the worst of moods. I am absolutely obsessed with this show at the moment.


Hands All Over

I spend a lot of time every day listening to music. First, there is the commute to and from work averaging about an hour and a half total travel time. Then, there is the workday where I listen to music anywhere from about 3-7 hours a day. Then, there is an hour of gym time in which an ipod is mandatory. Ever since its release, the new maroon 5 album- Hands All Over- has been virtually the only thing playing on my ipod. Each song is so different than the last and I am finding it hard to get sick of the album. I know that if I listen to it enough (like songs that come on the radio) it will be overplayed and I will come to hate it. However, for now I am happily tapping my toe in obsession. Favorite track at the moment: The Air that I Breathe.