Virginia Is For Lovers

15 Oct

Living in a state with the same name as me results in beautiful as well as trying times. The other day a co-worker introduced himself to me saying, “You are Virginia right? I hear your name all the time.”. I had to ask– You sure that people were referencing me and not the state?

Everything around here has my name on it. Everything. License plates, driver’s licenses, receipts, key chains, neon signs, street signs, buses, billboards, letters, etc. I admit, sometimes I get confused, but most times the instances/sentences in which I find my name in on a daily basis provide me with amusement.

Also, I can buy myself endless amount of memorabilia now. Hallelujah.


13 Oct


When I initially wake up in the morning, I am in a good mood. Let me stress the word INITIALLY. After about 10 seconds I remember little things from the day before, the day to come, or my life in general that start to bring me down. Not so low to say that I am now in a bad mood, just not in a particularly good mood. One of these things: My hair.

While I am incredibly happy to have a full head of hair that is not thinning, or graying, it is unfortunately straying. I think that nearly all women know what I am talking about– the little monster that we all face day in and day out- Frizz. Now there are a lot of things that lead to visits from the frizz monster. Humidity, dryness from heat treatment, dead ends, etc.

Humidity issues aside, the other things can be remedied…at least I hope. I had not thought of this before, but why shouldn’t I just go get a hair cut?! Well, there are a lot of things that I thought were keeping me back for so long (lack of car, lack of a haircutter in my new area, etc) but I realized that maybe I was not being ambitious enough. Today is the day that I open my door and let spontaneity in. I googled hair salons that are metro accessible and called to see if I need an appointment. They take walk ins. Today, I am going to go get my hair cut!

Lets hope that spontaneity is a nice house guest, and not the kind that steels all of your stuff and then kills you….I hope my hair cut doesn’t suck. Pray for me…