Yes Pleases.

Foods: Spicy foods, squash, Perfect Pita, Guacamole + chips, Peanut Butter, Hummus, Wheat thins, Pasta, Edamame, Mozzarella + Tomato sandwiches, Bagels.

Latest Addition: Warm home-made banana bread + cookie dough ice cream.

Television Shows: 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Family Guy, Futurama, Desperate Housewives, The Biggest Loser, Glee, The Simpson’s, Seinfeld, Hey Arnold, Boy Meets World

Movies: Catch Me If You Can, Inception, Toy Story, Shrek, The Departed…

Interests: listening to music, being outside on a nice day, exercising, Netflix, cleaning/organizing, web/graphic design, doodling, ‘playing’ the guitar, hanging out with friends at the local bar, technology (i.e. cell phones and ipods)